Wednesday, November 16, 2016


The GE AC44C6M is a rebuilt NS C40-9. These units are numbered 4000-4017. The AMP rebuilt 2 C40-9s and is now AC traction. NS was satisfied with these so they decided to rebuilt more. A plan will be 4000-4124 as I would possibly predict. Special thanks to RebelColtrane of DeviantArt for these repaints. Without these, it will never be possible except for the 4011 drawing. 4000 and 4001 are painted in blue, gray and black, 4002 and 4003 is painted in black, gray, tuscan red and white. the red mane means it was rebuilt at Roanoke. 4004 and 4005 are painted in black, gray, blue and white. the blue mane means it was rebuilt at Altoona, PA. 4006-4017 is in horsehead scheme. Thanks to for the drawings!

Original links to the Carolina Southern AC44C6M repaints.

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